a keyboard blue button that reads accessibility representing digital accessibility lawsuits in lancaster

Digital Accessibility Lawsuits: Ensuring Compliance for Online Business Platforms

When people think of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), what comes to mind are thoughts of physical accommodations like wheelchair ramps, accessible restrooms, and sign language interpreters, and when public buildings and workplaces don’t have these things, they can be sued. 

In 2022 alone, nearly 8,700 lawsuits...

Digital Accessibility Lawsuits: Ensuring Compliance for Online Business Platforms Continue reading…
Tech law attorney sitting with clients

Software Licensing Disputes: Resolving Contractual Issues in Tech Licensing Agreements

Software is ubiquitous in today’s world. Even your phone has different types of software on it — and you are allowed to use this software because of various license agreements. While many of these agreements won’t be a cause for concern, there are certain license agreements that you need a qualified tech...

Software Licensing Disputes: Resolving Contractual Issues in Tech Licensing Agreements Continue reading…
Person using a laptop

Data Security and Compliance in SaaS Contracts: Ensuring Regulatory Adherence

It is estimated that software as a service (SaaS) applications make up approximately 70% of all software a business uses. This should not be surprising, given the many benefits of SaaS applications over traditional software programs.

As companies and organizations turn to SaaS applications to meet their growing...

Data Security and Compliance in SaaS Contracts: Ensuring Regulatory Adherence Continue reading…