Lancaster Computer Code Copyright Attorney

a person on the computer who needs a computer code attorney in lancaster

At Lancaster Tech Law, our focus on business and technology uniquely positions us as the experienced choice for safeguarding your computer code. Our deep understanding of the tech industry and commitment to business-oriented legal solutions make us adept at navigating the complexities of copyright law. Choose us for proactive, knowledgeable legal guidance in a rapidly evolving digital world.

Understanding the Role of a Computer Code Copyright Lawyer

At Lancaster Tech Law, our computer code copyright attorneys focus on legal issues related to the copyright protection of software and computer code, such as:

  • Advising on Copyright Laws – We guide clients on copyright laws governing software, including what can be protected, the extent of protection, and the limitations of those protections.
  • Drafting and Reviewing Agreements – Our attorneys draft and review software licensing agreements, end-user license agreements (EULAs), development agreements, and other contracts to ensure that copyright terms are appropriately addressed.
  • Copyright Registration – Our firm assists in registering software copyrights. This process provides legal recognition of the author’s rights and is often necessary for enforcement.
  • Infringement Cases – We represent clients in cases of alleged copyright infringement, including litigation. This involves assessing claims, preparing legal defenses, or pursuing action against infringers.
  • Negotiating Settlements – In cases of infringement or disputes, we negotiate settlements or licensing arrangements on behalf of our clients.
  • Advising on Compliance – Our attorneys advise on compliance with open-source licenses and other software-related regulatory requirements, helping clients understand their obligations and risks.
  • Protecting Trade Secrets – For software that is not publicly released or patented, we help safeguard it as a trade secret, including drafting non-disclosure agreements and advising on security measures.

As leaders in technology law, we believe that an educated client is our best client and work to guide software developers, managers, and business owners about copyright laws and best practices to avoid legal pitfalls. 

Our copyright code attorneys keep up to date with evolving technology and corresponding changes in copyright law, ensuring that their advice is current and relevant. In short, our firm plays a critical role in protecting the intellectual property rights of software developers and businesses.

How To Obtain a Copyright Registration For Computer Code

To obtain a copyright registration for computer code, there are several key requirements:

  • Originality – The computer code must be original work created by the author. It cannot be copied from another source. Originality implies that the author used some amount of creativity in creating the work, even if the code performs a common or standard function.
  • Medium – The code must be “fixed” in a tangible medium of expression. This means it must be written down, saved on a computer hard drive, or otherwise captured in a way that it can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated for more than a transitory period.
  • Application – The author or rights holder must complete a copyright application form. This can be done online through the website of the U.S. Copyright Office.
  • Filing Fee – There is a filing fee that must be paid when applying. The fee varies depending on factors such as whether the application is filed online or on paper, and whether it’s a single work or a collection of works.
  • Deposit of Copy or Copies of the Work – Applicants must submit a copy or copies of the computer code for the copyright office to examine. For unpublished works, one complete copy is generally required. For published works, the requirements can vary. If the work is published in the U.S., two complete copies of the best edition are usually required.
  • Completeness of the Work – The submitted work should be complete. While it’s possible to copyright a portion of a program (like a module or a subroutine), the application should indicate that only a part of the work is being submitted.
  • Descriptive Material – For complex software, it may be necessary to provide some explanatory material to help the Copyright Office understand the nature of the work being registered.
  • Special Considerations for Open Source or Shared Code – If the code uses open-source components or was developed collaboratively, it’s important to ensure that the application accurately reflects these elements and that there are no conflicts with the terms of open-source licenses.
  • Accurate Information – The application should accurately reflect the authorship of the code. If the code was created as a work for hire, or if there are multiple authors, this should be clearly stated.
  • Compliance with Relevant Laws – The work must comply with relevant laws – it should not infringe upon the copyright of another work, and it should not contain illegal content.

Once the application is submitted, the copyright office will review it. If approved, a certificate of registration will be issued, granting the copyright holder exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and create derivative works based on the software, among other rights. 

The Experienced Choice in Computer Code Copyrights

At Lancaster Tech Law, we leverage our deep understanding of technology and copyright law to advise clients on safeguarding their computer code. Our team’s expertise in industries like big data, cloud computing, and telecommunications ensures we’re well-equipped to address your specific legal needs. We use technology to streamline our legal services, making communication more efficient. 

Our flexible billing options, including task-based and à la carte services, cater to different budget needs, allowing for predictable legal expenses. Above all, we’re committed to understanding each client’s unique situation, offering practical and creative solutions for intellectual property protection, data privacy, and cybersecurity.

Talk To An Experienced Computer Code Copyright Attorney Today

Whether your computer code is in development or you are ready to bring your software to the market, turn to Lancaster Tech Law. Trust us to guide you through the process with clarity and precision.